
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Computer Down, Sew Sweet Bee and Quilting

Hello sweet Chickadee's.  
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments on my last post.  Happy Belated Easter.
My internet service has been touch and go.  David has been trying to get it to work.  We need a new modem, so we called Dish and they sent us a Hopper.   We called them back and hopefully today or tomorrow we will have a new modem.  Then maybe I can start visiting you again.

This month it is sweet Heather's turn to request a block in our bee.  She asked for a pin wheel with cherries or strawberries.  This is the pin wheel block I sent her.  Hopefully she has received  it by now and likes it.  Heather makes the sweetest vintage items.  You really must pay her a visit at Vintage Grey.

On Monday's I have been working at the local quilt store a couple of towns away Quilters Cottage.  This is the little panel I quilted for them.  Isn't just the sweetest.

I am just loving the back.  All I have left is to sew on the binding  and sew it down.
My quilt machine has been buzzing in the last few weeks.  It has been so much fun.  The next quilt to go on the frame is a Quilt of Valor.  These quilts give me so much joy knowing that the are going to someone that is serving in our armed forces protecting us and our freedoms.  

Our weather has been so nice.  I am thinking I should set up a picnic for lunch?  
Hope you are enjoying this lovely day as well.



  1. I love my pinwheel block you made!! Perfectly sweet!! ;) Oh, how adorable is this quilt! I love the backing, too! Enjoy your beautiful weather!!! xo Heather

  2. what a lovely post Donna,hope you get your modem soon.xx

  3. Hi Donna, I just love visiting you and seeing your pretty quilts and fabric. I'm off this week. I painted today, but plan to sew a wee bit later this week. I'm happy to find inspiration here!

  4. I hope you're back online soon and your computer woes are behind you. You always have the most gorgeous fabrics in your special projects. I loved seeing your square featured on Heather's post today.

  5. I bet you are having fun at the quilt shop! Hope you get your computer back in shape real soon!

  6. I love the way your block turned out!

  7. That panel is so cute!! Of course, I love the sheep on the back. =)

  8. Lovely quilts you are showing, that vintage one, so beautiful. Ik hope your compouter will do his work soon. It's so terrible when it does not work good.

  9. Hi Donna
    Computer problems are no fun. I sure am happy to see the pretty pin wheel block. It's very cute and the quilt of valor is really neat! Go have a picnic! I would!

  10. Technology can't live with and sure can't live without it!
    Love the little pinwheel
