
Monday, April 28, 2014

Quilts of Valor and Feed Sacks In The Shop

(Thank you Meri for always sharing your images)

Happy Monday sweet friends.

This is the quilt of Valor I quilted this weekend.  These ladies do an awesome job of piecing the quilts.  You know I was thinking, that all the quilts of Valor I have done I have not shown you all of them.  I didn't even take pictures.  My sweet hubby bought us a new fancy camera.  So hopefully now I will have better pictures?  WhoooHoooo!

This is a close up of the quilting I did.  Kind of a wonky star pattern.  

I have been adding feed sacks to my shop.  It is time to clear some of them out.  I have like 2 bucks full, so I have been cutting them into fat quarters.  I am trying to cut them a little bigger than 18 x 22.  In May I have new stuff coming in.  For the first time I am going to have some really cute Christmas fabrics.  So get ready Christmas starts shipping in May.  

In other shop news I will taking a break from my shop from May 5th to around May 16th.  So if you order something know that I will start shipping on May 16th or maybe sooner.  Can you believe I have had my shop for 2 years now.  WOW!  Where does the time go?

Hope you are having a wonderful day so far.



  1. Those feed sacks are really cute. I will have to stop by the shop and see what you have.

  2. Hi Donna, such a great job quilting! Love the stars, it looks so cute!! Very pretty feed sack material, I might have to go take a peak! :) So crazy its been 2 years...good for you sweet friend!! :) :) xo Holly

  3. My dear Donna, the quilt is beautiful! Your work is always lovely :) Congratulations on having your store for 2 years - what a blessing!

    Have a wonderful day, sweet lady! Hugs

  4. Have fun playing with your new camera! I hope you are doing something fun during your May break from the shop.

  5. Hello Donna,
    Just wanted to say hello. Your blog is as cute as ever. I hope you are enjoying the spring days.

    Have a happy week.


  6. the quilt looks wonderful and boy 2 yrs that has gone fast,hope you have a lovely day my friend.xx

  7. Love the quilting girlfriend. LOL
