
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Happy 50th Birthday To My Sweet Hubby and I Am A Winner

Hello Chickadee's.
It is a beautiful day with clear blue skies. A Perfect day for my sweet hubby's 50th birthday.  It seems just like yesterday we were teenager's.  He just wants to stay in and have dinner and a movie. 

I was so over the moon excited when I heard that I won Kim's sweet giveaway over at Musings from Kim K..  This is just one of the sweetest Easter Bunnies that was included in the giveaway.  

This bunny is just adorable.  There were yummy chocolates in the sweet Easter Basket, hand made by Kim.

Can you believe the talent?  Everything is just so stinkin cute.  I could not wait to display all the cuteness handmade by Kim.

Just look at this sweet chick.    Thank you so much for all your kindness Kim.  I love everything you sent me.   You are one talented gal.  I encourage you to visit Kim and see all her pretties.  You will be very inspired.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day.



  1. You're so lucky to have won Kim's sweet giveaway!! I just love all the things she sent, such cuteness!! Happy birthday to your hubby!! Hope you guys have a wonderful time together! (: Easter hugs, Holly

  2. Happy birthday to your Hubby. Congratulations on your win, Donna. How cute are those bunnies! Have a happy Easter. Hugs, Christine xx

  3. Happy birthday to your hubby!

    Great win, girlie!!!!

  4. Happy 50th Birthday to your Hubby!! Love all the sweetness you won from Kim!! Too cute! Enjoy your night! xo Heather

  5. happy birthday to David Donna,hope you both had a lovely night and congrats on your lovely win.xx

  6. Oh Donna, I'm so happy that you won Kim's giveaway! It doesn't get much better than a box full of cute stuff from Miss Kim K! She's the best. And now you have so many new Easter things to decorate with each year!
    Happy Birthday to your hubby too!
    Erica :)

  7. Much cute-ness indeed! Congrats on your win and happy, happy birthday to your Hubby. Hugs xx

  8. Birthday blessings to your hubby! Happy Easter, dear Donna!

  9. Happy Birthday to hubby! Time really does fly. Love the sweet goodies you won in Kim's giveaway. That green bunny is so cute. Happy Easter!

  10. Congrats on your win, Donna! And happy birthday to your hubby...enjoy your dinner and movie!

  11. Happy Birthday to hubby, Donna .

  12. Congrats to you! I hope you had a wonderful celebration with your hubby :)

  13. I hope you were good to that hubby of yours and I hope he had a very Happy Birthday. Yep I'm just now reading this post.
    Lucky you on the win.
