
Monday, August 18, 2014

Vintage Quilt All Quilted

Duchess would like to say Happy Monday to all you sweet people.
Can you see the pink thread on her, she has been in my sewing room.  LOL!
Duchess was just groomed and she has already started picking out her hair out of her bow.

I just had to show you this sweet vintage apple core quilt I quilted for a customer.  The pattern I used to quilt her quilt was clam shell.  The pattern was fun to do and it did not take as long as I thought it would.  All in all I think it turned out pretty good.

Well, this is what I did this weekend.
  I cleaned a ton of reclaimed boards with bleach and a broom to scrub and let them dry in the 100 degree sun.  And I have a ton more to do.  This is the beginnings of my new shop in the attic.  In most places in Texas we do not have basements.  So what is a girl to do when she needs more room.  Move to the attic.  This project will probably take us some time.  We are also going to have to add an air conditioner.  In this part of Texas there is no way you can live with out an A/C.  Now I have to paint them.  I will show you more pictures as we get started.

Hope y'all have a great start to your week.



  1. Oh your dog looks so pretty! Love the quilt and the quilting is just perfect. Your "moving on up" that is so exciting! Are those floor planks? That is the kind of work you do not mind for the end result will be wonderful!

  2. Hi Donna and good morning duchess,boy you sure have been busy my friend,enjoy your day.xx

  3. Duchess - you look so pretty in pink and purple!

  4. I can't wait to see what you do with those boards!

    Your puppy is so cute! I had a maltese when I was a young teen but she became my mom's dog when I became an older teen. It's payback time now as I raise my sons' 2 cats and dogs!

  5. Hi Donna !!! your dog is so beautiful !!!! And your quilt look so pretty !!!

  6. Hello Duchess. Your dog is adorable, Donna. And your quilt is so pretty with all the bright colors.

    I hope you are staying cool during these summer months. I didn't know it was that hot in your part of Texas. It's been pretty warm here in California too.


  7. A/C is a definite must in TX! i love that quilt. Duchess is so adorable with her hair bow!

  8. Sweet puppy... Yes that looks like a big project. Well I'm right behind you in the big project Department. Mamas house will take a long time too. I'm still cleaning just upstairs . Haven't even gotten any where else in the house lol and there's an atic and basement full. Happy cleaning hug with love Janice
