
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Flower Sugar Spring Is Here and Fun Mail

Hello sweet people.  
Hope y'all have all had a great weekend.
I am so excited to have the new Flower Sugar in the shop.

These are just a few of the Lecien Flower Sugar that are new in the shop.  They are the sweetest fabrics ever.  I have had a couple of people ask me if I got any more of the apples in, in more colors.  Well, I didn't, but I was just able to order the red and the blue apples, that seems to be the only colors left.  So keep your fingers crossed that it comes in.  WhooaHoo happy dance.

I almost forgot to tell you about the sale in my shop.  Selected Lecien/Japanese fabrics are 30% to 50% off.

I am a little late in posting some sweet mail.
These are spool holders, they go under you spool of thread on your sewing machine.
They are from Missy over at Missy's Homemaking Adventures.  Her husband tats them.  They are gorgeous and I love them.  Thank you so much Missy and your dear hubby.

I ordered this custom ball and button garland from Holly over at Cutie Pie Cottage.  Oh my gosh, when I opened the box I was in love with all the lavenders and purples.  Holly is a very talented lady and she is taking custom orders for this sweet garland.  You should pop on over to her sweet little cottage and see what she is making.  Thank you so much Holly I love my new garland.

Well, it is TV time.
Hope y'all all have a great start to your week.



  1. Such gorgeous/sweet fabric. Your garland from Holly is perfectly YOU with all those lavender colors. Enjoy.

  2. Such pretties in your mail and the fabric? Drooling here, sister!!

  3. Hi Donna those fabrics are so cute and lovely mail you have received,enjoy your day my friend.xx

  4. nice blog i saw you thrue other bloggers...thanks for sharing!

  5. What sweet and happy mail!! I have a pretty garland from Holly, too! Love yours!! And, the fabrics are so pretty!! Have a great day! xo Heather

  6. Aw! The garland looks so cute in a heart shape! I'm glad you like it!

  7. You always have the pretty fabrics. I don't normally sew with the vintage but I may have to.
    Cute garland you received.
