
Monday, June 16, 2014


Hi all.
Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was great.  I finally got some sewing in and some family time.

I only need two more pinwheels to go, but I ran out of fabric.  So I have to pick some more up tomorrow.  These pinwheels are so much fun to make.  I will have to show more progress when I get them done.

I also got some borders on some of  the panels of my 50 years Rudolf quilt.  My sewing machine has been a humming this weekend.  If you are interested in a kit for this quilt you can find it here.

We also went to my sister's last night and had a blast.  My niece's husband cooked the best craw fish.  You know I thing the best part is I got to hold Skyler.  She is such a sweet baby girl.

Hope you all have a wonderful week.



  1. That is a whole lot of pinwheels. Nice.

  2. Sounds like a lovely weekend!! Love your Christmas blocks, those are so cute!! (: Happy Monday!! xo Holly

  3. Hi, Donna! Just found you somehow by clicking around, and I am so glad I did! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing your talents and inspiration! Reading your blog will be Cup Of Tea and Jammies time for me!

  4. What pretty pinwheels! And glad you had fun at your sisters:)

  5. You got quite a bit done Donna. Isn't it annoying when you are on a roll and you run out of fabric!

  6. Lovely progress Donna. Sounds like the perfect weekend xx

  7. Hi Donna,awesome sewing there my friend and sounds like you had a wonderful time with family,it doenst get better than that.xx

  8. What fun projects you are working on. Sounds like a wonderful visit with family.

  9. I have been getting some sewing done, too. =) Love your pinwheels. They always make me smile. =)

  10. Love all the pinwheels. I need a retreat now so maybe I could get something down. Your little Rudolph is cute.
    You won't believe where we've been looking at property --LaGrange for one. Crazy huh? We've been looking high and wide trust me.
