
Friday, June 13, 2014

Perfect Half Square Triangles

Happy Friday.
I know the day is about half over.  
There is finally some sewing going on in my sewing room.  My sewing machine has been so lonely.

I found this ruler at the quilt shop I work at on Monday's, called Tucker Trimmer.   Oh my gosh I am in love with it.  I cut my squares a little bigger, that way after I sew them I can square them up to the perfect size I need.  These hst need to be 3 1/2 inches.  You can follow the lines and see how it will help to square up your block.

It was a great help in making this perfect pin wheel.  WhooHoo!
If any of you are interested in one, please email me and I am happy to order one for you.

For those of you that are in love with paper dolls as much as I am, look what I found while we were on vacation.  I so love I Love Lucy, and when I saw these and they were in perfect condition I snatched them up.  The cloths are all cut up, but is looks like they have never been played with.   Even the dolls are perfect. SCORE!

Along the side of the I Love Lucy paper dolls I found Mary.  I know the box is in poor shape but Mary and her cloths are in perfect condition.   Oh I was never happier to find these sweet paper dolls.

Well, Chickadees's what are you sewing or crafting on?  Hope you are having some summer fun as well.



  1. Oh wow such. Wonderful paper dolls

  2. That's just a perfect little pinwheel! I would really like to get some quilting done this weekend sometime, but with a house full of guests, it's looking highly unlikely. Have a happy weekend and hope you get lots of sewing time :-) Hugs xx

  3. I haven't seen those rulers before. What great finds those paper dolls are. I loved watching Lucy too. Have a lovely weekend, Donna.

  4. I love those paper dolls! I am trying to make a skirt! LOL

  5. Your pinwheel is indeed lovely.

  6. How cute are the dolls, and I love "I Love Lucy", too!! Such sweet finds!! Happy weekend! xo Heather

  7. As a kid I'd be playing with Barbie Dolls or Paper Dolls. Love your pinwheel. I expect a ruler lesson at retreat in November. ;o)
    What's sewing? ;0/
