
Monday, September 21, 2015

50% Off Quilting

Happy Monday Y'all!
Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

I wanted to tell you about a new feature in my quilting business.
Starting now after I have quilted 7 quilts for you, your 8th quilt will be 50% off
 the quilting ( thread, batting and if you need binding that does not apply).

So if I have already done some quilting for you I am adding those quilts to your total and have already contacted you.  
For Examaple:  If I have already done 2 quilts for you, you have 5 more to go before you get the 8th quilt quilted 50% off.  
Since I do most of my quilts through the mail there will be no card.  I have created a little book to keep up with each quilt you send me.
(Hope this all makes sense?)

You can visit me here to learn more about sending a quilt to me.

Hope your weed is wonderful.



  1. Hi Donna,wow thats a great bargin,i hope you have a lovely day my friend xx

  2. You are just a sweet Peach for being so generous!..Hugs
    Debra in Ma.

  3. Well that's a great deal. You're good. let's see How many more do I have to go. I'm getting ready to finish another top to send your way next week I hope. Then on to the next one
