
Monday, June 30, 2014

Tutorial For A 12 inch Finished Basket Block

Hi sweet Chickadee's.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Are you ready to make a 12 inch finished basket block?
This is fat quarter friendly.

                                               Please read all the directions before starting.

You will start by cutting one 9 inch aqua square for your basket bottom. 
Cut it in half diagonally. (you will only use one)

Cut two light  2 1/2 x 9 1/2 inch strips.

Cut one aqua  3 inch square.
Cut it in half diagonally.  (you will use both of these)

Lay your aqua square on the bottom of the light strips according to this picture and sew along the bottom using a 1/4 inch seam.
Please do not cut off the corners you will need them.

Use an erasable pin to make 1/4 inch mark on each tip.
Line up your 1/4 mark with the left edge of your basket.
Sew using a 1/4 inch seam.

After you press it open this is what it will look like. (see the tab?)
Please do not trim anything yet.

Line up the other piece to the right side using the mark you made.
Sew using a 1/4 inch seam.

This is how your block should look. 

                                                                              Now lets trim the top.

Cut one  5 inch light square for the basket bottom.
Cut your square in half diagonally.

Fold your light triangle in half to get your center.  
Then place your triangle like shown in the picture above

To pin the light triangle to the bottom of your basket start in the middle and then pin both edges.
Sew using 1/4 inch seam.

This is what your bottom should look like.

For the basket top cut one light  13 1/2 inch square.
Cut it diagonally in half.

To get the center iron the light triangle in half.

For your handle you will need 20 inches of 1/2 inch rick rack.  (there will be excess)
To form your handle lay the bottom of the basket against your light triangle.  That will help you to measure for placement.

Lay and pin your rick rack so that it is about an 3/4 of an inch from the point of the aqua on the right and left sides of the basket bottom.  Then you can form your handle a lot easier.  The top of the rick rack handle should be 2 1/2 inches from the top point.
Stitch your rick rack on and then you can trim any excess off.

Line up the top triangle with the bottom triangle at the point. Do not worry about the excess on the sides we will trim up the block  to 12 1/2 inches.
Sew the top of the basket to the bottom of the basket using a 1/4 inch seam.

After the top and the bottom are sewn together press open.
Trim your block to 12 1/2 inches.  Be careful not to trim the 1/4 inch points off the basket block.

Hope you have enjoyed the process of making this block.



  1. Gorgeous thankyou sweet Donna for your tutorial,enjoy your day my friend.xx

  2. Thank you so much, I love this block and I love the material you used! It is going to be hard for me to wait to make mine! LOL I'll have to busy myself with making the flowers until I get the blocks!

  3. Hi there.. how far from the top point is that rick rack? I want to make mine the same so the handle isn't some odd ball height. Thanks!

  4. Hello sweet friend! Your quilt square is adorable! I would love to make some. . .maybe in the Fall when things slow down and I'm inside more often.

    Thinking of you and wishing you a lovely week. Love and hugs!

  5. So sweet! Thank you for the tutorial AND the inspiration!
