
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Doctor, Doctor and I Am a Guest Speaker

Hello sweet people.  
Can you believe I have Bronchitis again??
We had not been home only a couple of days and it hit me like a led balloon.  The last few times I have Bronchitis I was able to shake it.   This time seems to be taking longer.  I did go to the Doctor on Monday and got some meds.  So maybe I should give it some more time.

On a much better note, I am so excited to be a guest speaker over at Clover and Violet.  I will be doing a post once a month on how to organize your sewing room.  You should stop by and pay me a visit over there.  The ladies over at Clover and Violet are such sweet hearts and I am so honored to be a guest speaker over there. 

Hope y'all are having a great day.



  1. Sending you get well wishes, Donna. I hope it doesn't take you too long to get back to your old self. Hugs, Christine xx

  2. Hope you are 100 per cent well very soon, hugs

  3. Hi Donna,
    Oh, so sorry! Hope you feel better soon and it doesn't last! I just sent you an email. ;) Have a great and restful evening and will head over to check out your blog post!! xo Heather

  4. Hope you feel better. Cute idea for the Robbins

  5. Poor girl. Feel better soon. Bronchitis knocks you around. I had a bad bout earlier in the year. I hope you are taking good care of yourself. How lovely to be a guest speaker xxx

  6. Oh, sorry you're not feeling well, no fun..get better soon!........But that's wonderful news to be a guest speaker...count me in, I'll be reading all your posts....Let me go bookmark the site..XXOO..

  7. I hope you start feeling better soon, bronchitis is not fun!

  8. I'm sorry you've been so sick. Let's hope those meds kick in. Bronchitis is brutal. I hope you are not pushing yourself too much. Congratulations on being a guest speaker! Can't wait to see those posts!

  9. Sorry to hear, I hope you feel better really soon! Congratulations on being a guest post, that will be so fun, I'm heading over right now!! :) Feel better sweet friend! xo Holly

  10. Oh Donna !!! hope you feel better, and congratulations !!!!!

  11. Oh no, sweet Donna, I am so sorry to hear you have Bronchitis again :( You will certainly be in my prayers! I will head on over to Clover and Violet. Hugs to you!

  12. Oh how cool, I will definitely check it out. I need all the help I can get to get organized!

    I hope you are feeling better and that time and medicine do their thing!

  13. I'm so sorry! Hope the speaking engagement wet off O.K.!
