
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Sew Sweet Bee Blocks and Some Estate Sale Shopping

Hello sweet people.
I promise I am not MIA.  Just can not believe it has been a week since I have posted.  Things have really been busy around here.
This Bee block is from the talented Pam Kitty.  I love the sweet fabrics she choose.  The Jacobs Ladder is becoming one of my favorite blocks.  Pam also sent me a box of  dazzled Sweethearts candies.  I have not had these is years.  They where so good.  Yes, that is really an empty box in the picture. Lol.  Thank you so much Pam for creating such a beautiful block for me.  I love it.

This month is Clara's month from Clover and Violet.  Clara choose the log cabin block in aqua and red.  This is the block I sent her.  Clara has instructions on how to make her block on her blog if any of you are interested in making a log cabin block.  They are really easy and fun to make.

I did a little Estate Sale shopping a couple of weekends ago and look what I found.  I just love these sweet little vases.  I am not sure how old she is?  The only markings on here are hand wash only.  In our little town there is an antique mall.  I had put my name on the list for a booth a while back.  Well my name came up and now I am renting a booth at Polk Petals.  It is so much fun.  I am still setting up and looking for shelves.  But it will all come together soon.

Hope you are keeping warm, I know the temps are really cold in some areas.



  1. I love your block, I'm still trying to dig through my boxes to find the aqua fabric I bought before I moved.

  2. Cute block from Pam. How fun to have your own booth, wish I lived nearby I really enjoy going to antique shops!!

  3. Having a booth sounds like so much fun.

  4. You must share pictures of your antique booth!! I'm so excited for you. What fun you will have staging and stocking things!

  5. Great post. ID love to see pictures of your booth too.

  6. very cute block and love your new vase,awesome.xx

  7. Wonderful that you are going to have a booth-------good excuse to buy more and recycle some of the vintage that are not your favorites from your own collections. Be sure and take pictures to share---love the name.

  8. Pretty block from Pam!! And, your block for Clara is so pretty! Such a sweet vase and so perfect for you! xo Heather

  9. Oh, and congrats on getting the booth!! So exciting!! xo Heather

  10. She looks unique! I have a 'head vase' too, bought it at a thrift and have never found it in the listings on eBay. It's fun to have one that is different! Fun Find!

  11. Donna, that is such a pretty head vase! I hope you're keeping it and not selling it in the new booth! I'm so excited to hear about your space at the antique mall! It's a lot of fun and good hobby! I've been thinking about doing it again too. I hope you'll be showing us the things you fill it up with!
    Erica :)

  12. Hi Donna !!! Perfect blocks and beautiful fabrics . Thank you for share !!!!

  13. Oh Donna, how fun to have a booth! I hope you'l share pictures with us :) The quilt squares are so pretty - love the aqua and red one.

    Hugs to you!

  14. Love your block for Clara... I need to get busy!

  15. You're such a Rock Star! LOL A booth huh? Will you be open everyday or is it where the booth is there but you don't have to be all the time. I really like the blocks and colors
    Can't wait to see how you set up your booth
