
Friday, December 6, 2013

My Quilting

We are finally getting some cooler weather here in Texas.  It is in the 40's  and the North wind is going to blow us away.  I am so happy to finally have some cooler weather so it feels so much more like Christmas outside.

Whew!  I am finished with my Circle upon a Circle quilt.  All I have left to do is bind it.  

Here is a picture of the quilting I did on it.  

I am not sure if all of you know,  but I have started to quilt for the public.  
So I have posted a few pictures so you can see what I can do. 

For more details about pricing and how to ship visit me here

This is one of the Quilts for Valor that I have done.

These hearts are on my Sweet Scrappy Love quilt.  This is just a few of the designs that I have.  There are many more to choose from and I order new ones often.

Hubby is home and it is time for hot coca and popcorn by the fire.  Hope y'all are keeping warm.



  1. Gorgeous quilt and your machine quilting is lovely. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Well, the quilt turned out absolutely beautiful!! I really love it and your quilting is gorgeous! Enjoy your hot cocoa and popcorn!! xo Heather

  3. Yay for cooler weather. :0) Your quilting is just beautiful Donna! :0) Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Hi Donna ! Your quilt is fantastic!!! I love it !!! Congratulations!!!

  5. awesome work Donna,enjoy your fire and cuppa.xx

  6. Your quilts are lovely. The heart quilting is so pretty. The circle in circles an unusual design.

  7. Beaucoup de travail et belle réussite!!!! Lovely post!
    Thanks & Welcome for your comment and your visit my blogs.
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Circle Upon Circle is a lovely 30s quilt and your quilting is marvelous.

  9. Your quilting truly is amazing. I've been watching the weather reports about Texas and all the ice. I hope you are safe and have power.

  10. Love your quilt Donna. Beautiful quilting too! Wish I lived closer. Good luck with it all xx

  11. My dear Donna, your quilt is divine! And I love the quilting that you did on it :) You are one incredibly talented lady. Hugs to you!

  12. Your quilt is so beautiful Donna!! Love the little red roses! Enjoy the cooler weather along with some hot cocoa!!! Our temp tonight is 12...brrr! xo Holly

  13. Your quilt turned out beautiful! I love the way the quilting looks. It's freezing here in Dallas-hope you guys missed the ice storm.
