
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Was Feeling Crafty

Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving?  
I was feeling crafty over the weekend and thought I would show you what I made.

A few weeks ago I was shopping at an antique store and found some silver Christmas wreaths that matched my Christmas tree.  I pondered on them and left them behind.  All I could do is think about  these wreaths and the next day when David went into town I asked him to check and see if they were still there.  Of course he could not find them so I called the lady and she remembered selling both of them.  Sure she did, just my luck.  If there is anything I have learned is that if you see it and you love it buy it, the vision will come to you later.  Well as you can see I still have not learned my lesson.   So I went over to Hobby Lobby and bought a wire wreath.  Because now I just have make one.  I ordered the aluminum Christmas tree limbs off of eBay (I think)  got them in the mail and oh boy did they smell.  One of my good friends Erica over at suggested I freeze them to kill any bacteria.  Well before I did that I had already sprayed them, but I have to tell you with spraying them and freezing them it got rid of the smell.  Thank you so much Erica.

So I wrapped the wreath first with some silver tinsel I found at the antique store.  Hot glue were necessary.  The hot glue gun is one of my best friends. lol

I gently bent the Christmas tree limbs to fit the wreath and hot glued them and used silver wire to hold them in place.

My finished wreath.  I did not want to put a lot of breakables on my wreath because it was going on the back door.  Every one that comes over likes to come through the garage to the back door because they do not like to walk around to the front door.  You know what they say back door friends are the BEST.

I decoupaged some ice skates and decorated them with greenery and vintage finds.

I was not sure how much vintage treasures to add so I kept it simple.

A couple of years ago I painted this round pot red with good intentions on making this center piece.  Here it finally is.  I had a few glass beads so I glued them to the little trees.  This ice skating Santa was a recent find. ( I just heart vintage Santa's. )  Instead of moss for the bottom I placed white tulle so it would look like snow.

I joined the Santa Sack Swap over the summer.  We had 6 months to make our Christmas gifts for our partner.  One gift a month plus and extra one, plus a Santa sack or tote.  Cheryll over is a great swap momma.  She knows just how to pair everyone up perfectly.  Thank you so much Cheryll for all your hard work.

These are the gifts I received from my partner Terry and my cute tote from over at  I can not wait to open my gifts.  The open date is to be announced.  When I open them I will take pictures and show you.  Thank you so much Terry for all my gifts.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day.



  1. You've been a busy girl! I love your wreath! Who would guess that the aluminum could smell? Glad you got it out. ♥

  2. Love your sweet Santa image at the top! And all your crafts are too cute!! I never knew about freezing things to get the smell out! I'll have to remember that! Happy December! xo Holly

  3. Your wreath, Santa and Ice Skate are so cute. You know how much I love the vintage stuff. I wouldn't of thought that the aluminum would have an odor but good information to know about freezing. Thanks for sharing that. Your tree is wonderful too.

    xo Danielle

  4. Donna the wreath is spectacular, well done you. I didn't know about putting smelly things in the freezer.......I'll have to try that.


  5. Oh, Donna your wreath is so pretty! And, your centerpiece and ice skates are just the sweetest! I love vintage Santa's,too. I still haven't learned that lesson either. ;) I am getting better, though! So happy you have been crating away and making such Christmas pretties. Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  6. It certainly looks like Christmas is in the air at your place Donna. Merry Christmas my friend! :)

  7. Girlfriend, you are so talented! I love the things you made. And . . . as you know . . . I have learned the lesson - buy it now or regret it later! I really enjoyed reading this post! Good for you! Now make me some!!!! :)

  8. Oh Donna! I'm so glad that the smell went away. Your wreath turned out just great! And so did all of your other crafty things.
    And your tree looks great! I didn't know about that x-mas swap...maybe next year I can join!
    Erica :)

  9. Wow Donna look how clever you are love all

  10. I think we can all relate to leaving a treasure behind at the store and then regretting it later. Your wreath turned out absolutely wonderful. I love those skates too. I just love seeing everyone's Christmas crafting projects right now.

  11. Looks like you had lots of fun. Good for you.

  12. the wreath has worked wonderfully, you are certainly in the Christmas spirit, I have not thought about putting all my Xmas pictures etc out yet.

  13. I love Chistmas time !!! . Your wreath , santa and ice skates are so wonderfull. I like very much Your Chistmas projects !!
    Good for you

  14. The skatevis so much fun!! Love the wreath and the bowl too! Its so nice to be able to sit and do some crafts and accomplish them. Looks lime you had a great weekend ! Merry Christmas:)
