
Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Mail

Good morning.
Hope all of you are having a great week.
Thought I would show you my shelf of my Santa Collection.  This year I went a little wild on Etsy.  (Whoops) 
I have also had some help from Erica at I was hoping you could see the sweet snowman better in this picture that she sent me.  We are doing a trade so she has been sending me the sweetest vintage Christmas decorations. 

This is what our mantel looks like this year.  The deer is one of the things Erica has sent me.  I have been in vintage heaven with all the little do dads to decorate with.  Erica holds Market Monday on some Monday's so watch her blog for when they will be.

Here is a glimpse of our Christmas tree.  This is a little bird Erica sent me, it clips on.  Soo cool.  She also has sent me some Christmas ornaments and I was so excited they went on the tree right away.  In the background on the far right  you can see a sweet little Santa she sent me.  Thank you so much you are so sweet  Erica.  I am loving this trade so much.  

Here is more wonderful mail.

This is the third year for me to join Cheryll's Santa Sack Swap.  It is so much fun every year.  For 2013 Cheryll paired me up with Terry.  Yesterday was our opening day and here is what Terry sent me.

Look at all the hand made goodness from Terry.  I just love everything.   Thank you so much Terry for being a great partner and Cheryll for being an awesome swap momma.

The beautiful stoking and cloths pin bag are from the very talented and sweet Heather from  They are both gorgeous.  Heather even has a crocheted a hanger for the cloths pin bag.  The embroidery is so sweet.   I have not had a stocking of my very own since I was little.  Not sure what happen to that one.  So I was so excited when I unwrapped Heather's gorgeous wrapping to see this beautiful hand made stocking.   Thank you so much Heather for all my handmade goodness.  Heather's store is full of hand made goodness.  You are really missing out if you have not visited her store.

This weekend we are having our family Christmas party.  It is always so good to get together with everyone.  We just found out yesterday that my niece (that just got home 5 months ago from Afghanistan) and her husband are having a baby girl.  I am so thrilled for them.  If you know me you know how much I just love babies. 

Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas weekend.



  1. Your home is looking very festive, Donna! Sounds like you had a lot of fun swapping with blog friends. Have a very happy Christmas with your family!

  2. Hi Donna, I haven't had a chance to open the gifts you sent me yet. This weekend for sure. I forgot to mention, the tote is reversible, so you can use it all year long.
    Merry Christmas!!

  3. Your mantle looks great. I love all your gifts, especially the stocking. So cute. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  4. Wonderful news for your niece and her husband. Your mantle and goodies are fabulous.

  5. what a wonderful fun swap this has been for you Donna ,lots of lovely goodies,have a awesome weekend with family Donna.xx

  6. You have some sweet treasures from Erica! Love the stocking and clothes pin bag from heather! I have a couple of her tea towels! Fun swap goodies too!
    Merry Christmas!

  7. Congrats on the great news!! So wonderful and what fun that will be to have a sweet baby to love and sew for! ;) Darling treasures and so happy you like your goodies! Merry Christmas Donna! xo Heather

  8. Your Mail Treasures are really neat! good for you!

  9. Hi Donna, I love your Santa collection !!!!
    Kisses from Spain.

  10. I recognized Heather's gifts immediately. She's so talented (just like yourself). What fun that you and Erica have been busy swapping treasures with each other too. Love all your Christmas vignettes. I just want this time of year to last a bit longer. It's been so much fun to get little glimpses into each other's houses. Christmas hugs!

  11. Such wonderful news!! And so exciting!! I bet you're excited to sew for too!! You got so many sweet goodies from the swap and I just love Heather's work! Such sweet things you got from her!! :) Wishing you a Merry Christmas!! xo Holly

  12. What !! No Stocking! Now how was Santa suppose to leave you any goodies all these years.. LOL I bet he found a way. I have the one that David and I bought our first Christmas. We have since upgraded his and I'm in the process of making one for myself. Maybe it will be ready by next Christmas. Glad Heather made you a stockin now you need one for the hubby and Duchess.
