
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Block 2 of The Quilt Sampler 2013

Happy Wednesday.

Ready for block 2?  This one is 12 triangles.

For the center of your block cut 1   4 1/4 inch square.

Cut 2   3 1/2 inch squares.
Using your ruler cut them in half diagonally.

You will have 4 triangles.

To center the triangles find the center of the center block and the center of the pink triangle and put a pin in each one.  This will help you to match up the center, once you match up both pins, take one pin out and use the other pin to pin them together.

You are going to sew a pink triangle to the top and bottom.  Trim the edges.

Sew the other 2 triangles to the side.  Your block will look like this.  
Use the 1/4 inch line on your ruler and place it on the triangle point, trim any excess off,  this is IMPORTANT.  If you do not square your block up it will not measure up in the end.

Cut 2  4 3/4 inch squares of the red fabric.

Cut them in half.  This will give you 4 triangles.

To center your triangle on the block find the center of the triangle and put a pin about 1/4 inch down and place your pin in the point of the pink block.  This will help you to center your triangles.

Again please remember to square up your block by putting your 1/4 inch line of your ruler on the point of the block.

Cut 2 pink 6 inch squares and cut them in half like you did above.  You will have 4 triangles to sew to the top and the bottom and both sides.
When you square you block up it should measure 10 1/2 inches.

Viola!  Block 2 all done.

Hope you enjoyed making this block with me.  Hope you all have a great week.  



  1. So pretty!! Will be making it today!! Thank you Donna!! Happy sweet day to you! xo Heather

  2. Just finished. I'm using Hill Farm by Lecien for these. I'm doing two each week. When I'm finished with them, they will become a twin size quilt for my granddaughter. I used these same fabrics for her baby quilt and I had a lot left of the fabrics left over.

    1. That sounds so cute. I would love to see it when you are finished my dear.

  3. Pretty! Hi, sweetie, you know i don't quilt but I do work with fabric so I love seeing your blocks! ♥

  4. i am really enjoying this much more than with the craftsy bom,

  5. Such a pretty block!! Happy Wednesday! xo Holly

  6. Oh my gosh, this is gorgeous! Love your fabric choices and I can't wait to do mine!

  7. I must be doing something wrong. Mine is finishing over 11". *pout* going to try again.

  8. I'm getting ready to start the second block...what do you mean measure a1/4 in and trim excess? I'm not sure what I'm trimming :)

  9. I love your BOM! So cute so far!!!

  10. Isn't this just the sweetest little block! It is so pretty!!! Love the fabric choices :) I can't wait to learn how to do this! You are really great with these tutorials :)

  11. Hy Donna! I found you on Little Susie Home Maker's blog and I definitelly want to take part of your Quilt Sampler. So, I am your newest follower. Hugs, Cristina

  12. Donna, I'm practically drooling over this fabric! So gorgeous!
