
Monday, October 28, 2013

An Elm Creek Quilts and The Double Wedding Ring Give Away

Good morning Chickadee's.

I was so over the moon excited when Mary at Plume Books/Penguin ask if I wanted to do a give away on my blog.  The first book An Elm Creek Quilts Companion by Jennifer Chiavarini will take you on an guided tour of Elm Creek Manor.  There are pictures of quilts featured in the novels and quilt block illustrations.  

The Double Wedding Ring by Clare O'Donohue is the second give away.  I have not read this book yet.  But it looks really good.  I can not wait to curl up under a quilt with a cup of my hubby's apple cider and just get lost in this story.

All you have to do to win these books is let me know you are a follower and sign up for my shop newsletter here.  I will pick 2 winners on October 31st.  The give away is open to U.S. and Canada readers.

Do not forget this Wednesday I will post Block 3 of the Quilt Block Sampler 2013.

Hope you have a Happy Monday.



  1. I love reading a good quilting story! I'm a follower. Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  2. Looks like two good reads. Would be great to have for the many cold nights ahead! Thanks for the fun!

  3. These books look great! I follow your blog and get your newsletters. Thanks for the chance to win! Can't wait to start making my blocks. I have all my fabric-now I just need some uninterrupted time to cut & sew! :) Have a great week Donna.

  4. Donna -

    Thank you so much for the wonderful give-away! I follow you on Bloglovin' and have also signed up to follow your shop. Thanks for the chance to win such a great give-away!

  5. Oh, gee! That sounds like an exciting book! I am a follower and have signed up for your newsletters! Haha! Maybe I could win! Will be tuning in on Wednesday!!

  6. Ohhh, they look like great reads!

    Because I won last time, please do not enter me in this one. =)

  7. have an awesome day my friend.xx

  8. So fun!! Thanks for a chance to win!! I am a happy follower! ;) xo Heather

  9. Hi Donna, I love reading your blog, I am a happy follower, Hugs, Sue x

  10. Thanks for a chance, Donna. I follow via Bloglovin' as laura84watt

  11. I would love to win! I am a follower of yours and signed up for your shop newsletter. I have read all the Elm Creek books and do not have the Companion book yet, I would love it. I haven't read the Double Wedding Ring either, sounds great. Thanks for the give away, the winners will have a super Halloween treat! Have a great day!

  12. Thank you for this lovely giveaway. I am a feedly follower and signed up for your newsletter. I am faithfully making each weeks blocks ;-)

  13. Hi Donna! I'm a happy follower and I signed up for the newsletter. Off to make my block, thank you for the opportunity to win!

  14. I'm a follower and have subscribed to your news letter! Looking forward to working on this block when I get home from work!!!

  15. I just became a follower and signed up for your newsletter. I randomly found your site through clicking on people's links! I am going to try out your block tomorrow and check back for others I might have missed. Thanks again for the giveaway!

  16. Thanks for the chance to win. I just love the blocks you are making. Yes, I follow you as Aroundthebutcherblock. Ralene
